
Administrators Handbook

Administrators are an invaluable resource and one of the most important assets of the municipality. The administrator’s main role is to carry out the policy as directed by council. The purpose of this guide is to assist municipal administrators in Newfoundland and Labrador by providing a quick reference to your roles and responsibilities as a municipal administrator and to the legislation that affects municipalities. This book contains material on financial information such as budget preparation, municipal and economic development planning, information on municipal services, and information on provincial legislation that impacts municipal activities, just to name a few. This document will be reviewed/renewed when the Municipalities Act, 1999 is updated.

At A Glance Legislative Requirements

Municipal Council Handbook

The Municipal Council Handbook is a resource for municipal councils, councillors and staff, and contains information and guidance on applicable legislation and best practices. In preparation for the 2021 municipal elections, the Department of Municipal and Provincial Affairs compiled a 2021 Interim Edition of the Municipal Council Handbook, which includes updated departmental references, contact information, and internet hyperlinks.

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